Putting the self back in confidence
When I ask my coaching clients the single biggest thing they are looking for, it's confidence. To do the thing they've always wanted to do, to commit to the relationship even if it isn't perfect, to deal with that difficult family thing, to be a better parent. Why are we all so desperately seeking confidence?

Resolutions Are Bullsh*T, Unless You Do This One Thing
How you begin and end 2023 can change dramatically, and only one thing completely determines the outcome

Stop walking your sh*t into the next thing
A conversation about a common story arc in our lives: loss, recovery, and the audacity to rebuild.

If you don’t seek it, you won’t see it
In Break My Soul, the Queen encourages us to quit our jobs to save ourselves. I get it!!

Next level burnout and how to avoid it
Turns out that a phrase somewhat new to me has been buried in academia for 40+ years: emotional exhaustion.

Break up with self-sabotage
What holds us back is not who we are, it’s who we think we are not.

Konmari for your brain
Just like the physical items that you choose to bring into your life, what you allow in your brain is truly a choice.

Procrastination is my drug of choice
Whether we are aware of it or <usually> not, our feelings drive our actions, which create results in our lives

Reclaiming your inner badass through self coaching.
What I’ve learned through life coaching is that all limits we put on ourselves come directly from our own brains.